The Grail -Two Studies

A proper understanding of the significance of the cultic object called the Grail has eluded most scholars who have confined their researches to western European literary and cultural sources, especially since the originally Celtic story of the Grail underwent numerous bewildering metamorphoses in the romances of the Middle Ages. It was the Indologist Leopold von Schroeder"s reading of the Grail story (1910) in the light of his knowledge of Indic mythology that first achieved a dramatic expansion of the field of Grail scholarship. The only other scholar who developed a comprehensive comparative mythological study of the Grail was perhaps Julius Evola in his Il Mistero del Graal e la Tradizione Ghibellina dell"Impero (1937). Schroeder"s fascinating elucidation of some of the key symbols of the Grail legends using his knowledge of ancient Indian literature is in this edition amplified by Alexander Jacob"s reconstruction of the cosmological basis of these symbols and his analysis of the...