Mics, Cameras, Symbolic Action

NEW MEDIA THEORY | SERIES EDITOR: BYRON HAWK | MICS, CAMERAS, SYMBOLIC ACTION: AUDIO-VISUAL RHETORIC FOR WRITING TEACHERS addresses the current technological challenges and opportunities of writing teachers through a conceptualization of writing and reading that could not have been imagined by many writing teachers at the turn of the twenty-first century. While MICS, CAMERAS, SYMBOLIC ACTION looks forward to emerging writing technologies, it finds its theoretical foundations by looking back to Kenneth Burke"s concept of symbolic action. MICS, CAMERAS, SYMBOLIC ACTION situates its pedagogy for engaging the multidimensional rhetoric of audio-visual writing to help new and experienced writing teachers select, create, and engage productive models for designing audio-visual writing assignments and curricula. MICS, CAMERAS, SYMBOLIC ACTION draws upon Erika Lindemann and her pioneering work in A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers, as well as the educational theory of John Dewey, the multiliteracy...