
In every epoch and age there are a handful of souls who hear the Earth"s voice, hearken to the Muses"s song and drink from the font of the Goddess of Wisdom. These are the poets, artists and visionairies of our world: the creative geniuses like Dante, Milton and Blake, whose inspiration and insights have shaped our cultural memory. Unhappily, with the advent of the modern age the Muses"s song has become silent and the font of the Earth"s Wisdom has begun to dry up. To redress this precarious situation, six of the nine Muses have descended from Olympus to take birth upon the Earth. Their purpose is to re-awaken humanity to the inspiration of the great arts and restore the broken links between gods and men. But, the six Muses are not just daughters of Zeus, they are also the daughters of Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory, and the granddaughters of Gaia, Mother Earth herself. And when the Muses discover that their mother and Gaia have a totally different agenda for them than their...