The Collected Stories

Цена 32.87 - 40.25 USD

For more than four decades, Reynolds Price has been one of America"s most distinguished writers, with a career remarkable both for its virtuosity and for the variety of literary forms embraced. Though perhaps best known as a novelist and poet, Price here likewise demonstrates his mastery of the short story. These fifty stories include two early collections -- The Names and Faces of Heroes and Permanent Errors -- as well as more than two dozen stories that are gathered only in The Collected Stories. In his introduction, the author explains how, at one point, he wrote no stories for almost twenty years. "But," he writes, "once I needed -- for unknown reasons in a new and radically altered life -- to return to the story, it opened before me like a new chance." Indeed, chances abound here in stories that will astonish even Price"s most devoted readers as they travel through not only the author"s native North Carolina but also Jerusalem, the American Southwest, Europe, and Asia.