Promoting Progressive African Thought Leadership

This book represents what might be called "symbolic capital" in the sense that, under the rubric of the Concerned Africans Forum (CAF), it is an attempt to develop a different set of lenses for understanding many of the critical themes that shape South African current public discourse and body of opinion. This kind of capital that the CAF has promoted is not only about how these themes are articulated and expressed from a progressive and critical perspective. It is also, quite crucially, about how the use of this capital can serve to influence debate and understanding as well as the agenda of public discussion, especially as this relates to Africa. The offerings contained in the book have evolved out of the presentations and discussions that the CAF has hosted since its inception. The Forum had its origin in the West"s manipulative intrigue in engineering regime change in Libya, together with tendentious and self-serving media coverage n both Western and South African - that went with...