They Thought It Was All Over - They Were Right!

It all started on the night of 1st July 2006 in Double Decker"s bar, Dubai, the night England exited the World Cup after their penalty shootout against Portugal. Standing among the several thousand who had gathered in the hastily erected marquee to watch the match, Jo and Janice couldn"t help but notice the negativity of both the crowd and the match commentators in relation to England"s abilities and the likelihood of their success. This negativity appeared to have transferred to the players who seemed defeated long before they were. Emerging into the night "We never win on penalties" still ringing in their ears, a sinking feeling in their hearts, sick at the way England"s World Cup run had turned out (again) and angry at the lack of faith from the crowd, we decided that enough was enough and vowed to do something to stimulate a positive approach to football throughout the nation. This book is the result. • Will the feet or the mind decide England"s destiny? • Will the next World...