Why Ask Why?

Are you entangled in a spiritually unhealthy or abusive relationship? Have you lost the ability to be present in your own life because of spiritual mistreatment from a friend, significant other, pastor, or even an entire church body? Has such unexpected hurt and pain rendered you blind in seeing the beautiful person God created you to be? This book will take you on Elizabeth Harper"s personal journey of enduring deep spiritual pain, escaping the pitfalls of what she calls The Wrapping Paper Effect, and her return to living the life specifically made for her by our Creator. Elizabeth"s story is full of lessons in acquiring spiritually healthy relationships, learning to recognize detrimental ones, healing from within and with others, reconnecting with God, and redefining forgiveness. Finally, Elizabeth appeals to all Christians to start a new era of Christian life that accepts and celebrates diversity of all spiritual gifts and talents no matter how grand or minute they may be in our...