Freud and the Baroque

Цена 26.00 - 34.65 USD

In 1892, eight years before the cardinal appearance of The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud published an outstanding brief reflection on a crucial enigmatic perturbation of language, On Aphasia. A Critical Study, the anticipated signal of one of the most daring and lasting challenges to the philosophical, political and anthropological conceptions of subjetivity and social forms of life in modern times. It set his radical position in the history of the ideas about language, and his concern about the conditions of the experience of destruction, of exhaustion, of transience, of helplessness, of mourning and of silence as conditions of the psychic processes. This book deals with the obscure centre of Freud"s work: the passion for the shattering of language, for the dissipation of the sense of speech, for the effusions of eclipsed memories, the cardinal role of secrecy, of abjection, of inarticulateness, and of the wreckage of speech, not only in the expressive power of language itself, but...