The Algebra of Thought & Reality

This Second Edition extends the First Edition of The Algebra Of Thought & Reality: A New Operator Formulation For Classical & Quantum Logic Obviating Logic Paradoxes & Godel"s Undecidability Theorem; and Giving a Mathematical Basis For Plato"s Theory Of Ideas, And Reality - The Standard Model Of Particles in several ways. There are three important new sections. One section discusses Observers both in the formulation of Operator Logic and in the Quantum Reality in which we live. The second new section discusses space-time. It shows the need for Time since, for example, proofs are stated in (time) steps as are experiments and phenomena in Reality. Since we see events at various spatial locations the concept of space must appear in Reality. Consistency with the spinor formulation of Operator Logic leads to four-dimensional space-time. The third section deals with the Concept of Being as substance and form from philosophic and modern particle physics points of view. Lastly, some...