The Science of Mechanics

An Unabridged Printing Of The Fourth Edition To Include All Illustrations: Chapter 1: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF STATICS - The Principle Of The Lever - The Principle Of The Inclined Plane - The Principle Of The Composition Of Forces - The Principle Of Virtual Velocities - Retrospect Of The Development Of Statics - The Principles Of Statics In Their Application To Fluids - The Principle Of Statics In Their Application To Gaseous Bodies - Chapter 2: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF DYNAMICS - Galileo"s Achievements - The Achievements Of Huygens - The Achievements Of Newton - Discussion And Illustration Of The Principle Of Reaction - Criticism Of The Principle Of Reaction And Of The Concept Of Mass - Newton"s Views Of Time, Space, And Motion - Synoptical Critique Of The Newtonian Enunciations - Retrospect Of The Development Of Dynamics - Chapter 3: THE EXTENDED APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS AND THE DEDUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE - Scope Of The Newtonian...