Argentina Ilustrada

Цена 53.91 - 65.65 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781934768464

Брэнд Stockcero


Страниц 886

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 152x220

This dictionary aims to include all the cultural data pertaining to the Argentine Republic, starting at the most remote times up to the present.With this work the author, French historian, ethnologist and Sorbonne University researcher Jean-Paul Duviols, proposes an alfabetically ordered list of names that make the foundations of the Argentine history, ethnology, and literature -including a necessarily brief analysis of the main works- and also spans the plastic arts, music, and movies.This work gathers, for the first time and in a synthetic and easy reading way, a corpus of data that constitutes the cultural personality of a complex society and a not easy to understand country such as Argentina.