Sell Your Crafts Online
Цена 12.95 - 25.40 USD
"Sell Your Crafts Online" provides a roadmap to the best Internet places for makers of handmade crafts to sell, promote and get reviewed from. Discover over 500 promotion ideas. Get 21 ways to inspire trust on your site pages. Learn how to boost your craft site's search engine traffic with 24 Search Engine Optimization tips. Get the 12 best practices for getting link love from other sites. Find 85 places (including Etsy and eBay) to sell handmade crafts from.Learn where to sell your crafts to stores online from 10 wholesale sites. Promote your indie designed art and crafts from 42 online communities. Get reviews of your craft products on 51 shopping community and blog sites that seek unique products to write about. Syndicate your handmade crafts images, blogs, videos, and articles from 36 networks and discover 16 ideas for getting free publicity in magazines and on TV.Thought about starting your own t-shirt business? "Sell Your Crafts Online" covers 16 sites like Cafepress that let you sell your art and designs via on-demand products like t-shirts, mugs, caps and hundreds of other products. Save yourself weeks of research. Get ahead by accessing undiscovered but popular places for selling crafts online from. Author and craft artist, James Dillehay has written nine books and operates more than fifty Web sites. "James was a guest speaker on our Guerrilla Marketing conference call and he blew me away with what he knows about selling on the Internet," ...