The Law of Success, Volume VIII & IX

Цена 8.57 - 9.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789562912037

Брэнд BN Publishing


Страниц 92

Год выпуска 2006

Lesson 8 - Self-Control - The reason why opportunities pass 9 out of 10 people by. - The signs of a lack of self-control...and how you can defeat them. - Why self-sacrifice is the worse thing you can do for yourself. - The spending habit prophecy from 1928 - and why it has come true. - The most essential factor in the development of your personal power. - The simple response you can use against criticism. - The secret of your dominating thoughts. - The ability that is the outstanding quality of all successful people. - An amazingly simple method of controlling your anger. - The Law of Retaliation...and the correct way to apply it. - Why you are really a salesman...and how to use it to propel your success. - The secret of converting your enemies into friends. Lesson 9 - Habit of Doing More Than Paid For - The two astonishing reasons why you should do more than you are paid for. - The secret of being able to work better and longer. - How...