Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: Huey"s Story
Цена 8.53 USD
When Hannah starts at a new school, all the other girls are in firm friendship groups and she feels left-out and lonely. Mum and Dad know that a puppy would make a perfect pal for Hannah, so they take her to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home where she meets Huey the husky. With his ice-blue eyes and cheerful character, Huey makes Hannah forget about her tough time at school. Can Huey charm her classmates so that everyone can be friends together? Contains LOADS of information about Battersea Dogs & Cats Home - including how to adopt your very own dog or cat, dos and don"ts of looking after them, and fun pet-themed puzzles! Featuring a photo and fact-file of a real-life dog from Battersea!