Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: Bailey"s Story
Цена 8.53 - 11.99 USD
When Emily meets Bailey, the shy and adorable Dalmatian puppy, at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, she knows he would be a perfect new friend for her grandma. And since Emily lives next door to Granny, she"d be able to play with him all the time, too! Bailey slowly learns to trust his new family, and when a burglar tries to break into Granny"s house, can this plucky little pooch leap into action? Contains LOADS of information about Battersea Dogs & Cats Home - including how to adopt your very own dog or cat, dos and don"ts of looking after them, and fun pet-themed puzzles! Featuring a photo and fact-file of a real-life dog from Battersea!