Erin Windom F.B.I. Convergence

Цена 18.58 - 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781495805547

Брэнд Infinity Publishing


Страниц 318

Год выпуска 2015

With the First Daughters horrific ordealover and done, FBI Agent Erin Windomdecides to take a much needed vacationback to her home town. Before arriving ather destination she stops at a prison to visither new friend, Dr. Gillian Goldenstein.Gillian informs her of something sheoverheard; something concerning Erin'sdeceased parents. For many years Erinassumed based on Law Enforcement reportsthat her parents were killed by a homeinvasion burglary. This new informationchanges everything and turns Erin'speaceful vacation into an other worldlyhunt for her Parent's killer or killers.