Mother Goose Is Dead

Цена 2.10 - 18.02 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781615724796

Страниц 242

Год выпуска 2011

Once upon a time Mother Goose died, and things have never been the same. Twenty four modern stories of myths, fables and fairy tales. Authors include Aaron Polson, Amelia Mangan, J.B. Dane , Bob Nailor, Eric Diehl, Jason Lavertue , Jeff Houser, Shelle Klein, Jodi Ralston, Jon C. Crusoe, Karina Fabian, Kim Richards, Kirk Dougal, Klaus Mundt, Bridges DelPonte, Cate Karin, Margaret McGaffey Fisk, Michelle Klein, Mike Rimar, Patricia A. Schiml, Rob Rosen, Barry Napier, Scott Virtes, Steven Westcott, Joette Rozanski, and Michele Acker.