The Blue Bird A Fairy Play in Six Acts

Цена 2.15 - 23.10 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781438532288

Брэнд Book Jungle


Страниц 198

Год выпуска 2009

Maurice Maeterlinck is a Noble Prize winning author from Belgian. He was a poet, playwright and essayist. Maeterlinck writes about the meaning of life and death. His education was at a religious school where only religious material was allowed. This may account for his distaste for the Catholic Church and organized religion. In The Blue Bird children are asked by an old fairy to search for the blue bird of happiness. Their odyssey takes them through various enchanted realms. Accompanied by a faithful Dog and a treacherous Cat the innocents experience many magical adventures in several supernatural regions. The play"s language is intended for children although the themes will ring true for adults as well.