The Land of Little Rain

Цена 8.95 - 16.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781438536590

Брэнд Book Jungle


Страниц 98

Год выпуска 2010

Mary Austin was an early ecologist, feminist, and desert dweller. The Land of Little Rain is a book about earth, sky, weather, and some of the plants and animals that survive and reproduce among those elemental and elementary events, She describes a few of the people who once lived in what was something close to an original state of nature. The Table on Contents includes The land of little rain. -- Water trails of the Ceriso. -- The scavengers. -- The pocket hunter. - Shoshone land. -- Jimville, a Bret Harte town. -- My neighbor's field. -- The mesa trail. -- The basket maker. -- The streets of the mountains. -- Water borders. -- Other water borders. -- Nurslings of the sky. -- The little town of the grape vines.