Mogwie Idan

Цена 22.50 - 33.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781922181640

Брэнд Vagabond Press

Страниц 154

Год выпуска 2014

Shortlisted for the 2014 Victorian Premier"s Literary Award for Indigenous Writing. Lionel Fogarty is Australia"s foremost experimental and political poet. MOGWIE-IDAN: Stories of the land brings together work from across Fogarty"s career, including poems from the 2012 Scanlon Award-winning Connection Requital, which the judges noted "demands that you move out of your comfort zone and encounter, grapple with, and be open to, the power of his words and the way they are placed on the page and the way their rhythms embody the knotty issues you are being pressed to countenance, accommodate and if possible resolve - or at least come to terms with somewhere in your psyche. This is no easy ride - and Fogarty takes no prisoners." MOGWIE-IDAN: Stories of the land showcases the intelligence of the Aboriginal grassroots struggle in contemporary Australia, laying open the realness of Lionel Fogarty"s Murri mission poetry. The Aboriginal struggle in Australia is not over, but here handed to...