Rhymes with Reason

Цена 15.00 - 19.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781598589252

Страниц 236

Год выпуска 2009

Tucked away in our hearts for safe-keeping lie the moments we will hold forever - moments of great joy and pride in each other and moments of solemn determination to honor that which we have lost. In this collection of memories, poet Richard Berry shares with clarity,humor, and devotion the tender moments he has tucked away for safe-keeping. While reading Rhymes with Reason: Memories, you will experience a kinship with the poet as a devoted husband, a loving father, an adoring grandfather, a faithful friend, and a follower of Jesus Christ. The moments recalled within these pages chronicle the joys and sorrows of the significant people in Richard Berry"s life. These shared memories evoke a warm gentle love for others that will re-kindle the stirrings of your own heart toward those you hold most dear. Sit back, relax and enjoy the memories recalled by "Papaw Berry", as he is lovingly referred to by his seven grandchildren. May you be inspired by him to live your life for that which...