The Atlantis Fragments (Poems)

Цена 19.04 - 19.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780982429655

Брэнд Hippocampus Press


Страниц 552

Год выпуска 2009

These poems are of an unearthly beauty. They celebrate love, beauty, and humanity; and yet throughout many of them is a consciousness of impending apocalypse. The imagery, lush, exotic, full of colors and magic names, is a welcome relief from the sterile, prosaic poetry of today. If you enjoy tripping on language, this book is for you. Whether the poems really are from the Atlantean or whether they are the creations of poet Sidney-Fryer, they deserve to be read and experienced. -- Charles K. Wolfe Sidney-Fryer is, in a very strong sense, a traditionalist; his creations, superlatively original as they are, yet give us a powerful feeling of continuity with our own past and culture; they make us see ... the ideals that moved us when we were less "secure" and more human: adventure, love of life, and above all, the intricate beauty of a world long vanished - yet not vanished, if only we had eyes to see. -- Richard L. Tierney Sidney-Fryer has created, in his fictional Atlantis, an entire...