Clean Kill
Цена 12.95 - 13.82 USD
Frank Quintana was born into a niche between two societies and accepted by neither. His father was Hispanic, his mother Anglo, and in a socially divided town like Halliburton, he would be forever relegated to cutting grass and doing menial jobs. Then he discovered a way out: excel at football, win a scholarship, become quarterback for a professional team. Along the way, he would marry the girl of his dreams, Gina Westcott. Together, they would escape the social quagmire that enveloped Halliburton. From his hospital bed, he told his mother, "It"s an evil thing, to destroy a young man"s dreams. She said, "Frank, there are things more important than football." He said, "Mom, there"s nothing more important than football." Judge Wilson D. Westcott destroyed Quitana"s chance of achieving his dream when he sent three thugs to break Quintana"s knees, to spirit off Gina Westcott to a private school up east. His mistake was that he ignited Quintana"s fierce desire to seek retribution. The...