A Death in the Highlands

Цена 16.62 USD

Book two in the The Euphemia Martins Mysteries is set a hunting lodge in the Scottish Highlands. After dodging criminal charges, Richard returns as head of the household at Stapleford Hall. Changing fortunes find Euphemia temporarily promoted to housekeeper for the first trip to the family"s new hunting lodge in the Scottish Highlands, where she is fascinated by handsome, intelligent Rory Macleod, the new butler. Taking on her new role, she encounters angry locals with a grudge against the Staplefords and thwarts what she believes to be an attempt on Bertram Stapleford"s life. A strange group of house guests arrive for the Glorious Twelfth, but with disastrous consequences. Euphemia finds herself caught in the midst of bitter rivalries, and evidence pointing to different murder suspects. Will she unravel the mystery? How much danger is she in? Is the crime political or a revenge killing? And how will her relationships with Bertram and the handsome Rory unfold?