The Locket

Цена 1.86 - 10.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781615723584

Брэнд Eternal Press


Страниц 54

Год выпуска 2011

Can you consider a necklace a gift if it makes you angry enough to kill? A simple trinket left in a confessional begins a path of destruction throughout the years. The golden locket, left behind by a woman who killed her boyfriend, is supposedly cursed; at least that"s what she claimed before she raced out of the church. Anyone who dares fasten the pendant around her neck suffers severe and uncontrollable anger. Woe be it to anyone who gets in the path of the wearer. Is the piece cursed, or are the deaths totally unrelated? Detective Clarence O"Day is unwilling to make the connection-until forty years after the first case.