Peking Duck
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"Wine is the latest in an unbroken line of popular private eyes-molded by Dashiell Hammett in the "20s, psychoanalyzed by Ross Macdonald in the "50s and "60s and now dragged kicking and screaming into a new decade"s cultural crunch." -Los Angeles Times Book Review "Men fight and lose the battle, and the thing they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes out not to be what they meant, other men have to fight for what they meant under another name." -William Morris "A fun detective novel you just don"t get enough of anymore...there is a certain style reminiscent of those 1950s Mickey Spillane novels when men were men and private investigators were "private dicks"...definitely recommended reading." -West Coast Review of Books With a new introduction by Roger L. Simon A guided tour of the People"s Republic, Aunt Sonya had said: U.S.-China Friendship Study Tour Number Five, arranged by the China Friendship...