Cousin Henry

Цена 9.95 - 12.68 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781934648391

Брэнд Norilana Books


Страниц 204

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 152x220

Cousin Henry (1879) by Anthony Trollope, is one of the more non-traditional storylines of its time, subverting expectations and dwelling deeper into the psychology of character. And still it contains all the elements for which the author is so well-loved, the ups and downs, tragedy and joy of relationships, rendered with the sensibility of Jane Austen and the quirky humor of Dickens.Henry Jones, a vacillating and weak man is faced with the moral dilemma of telling the truth about a lost will in favor of another relative or keeping an inheritance that is not rightfully his.