Who"s Feckin" Who in Irish History

Цена 6.38 - 16.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847176325

Брэнд O'Brien Press


Издатель O'Brien Press

Год выпуска 2014

- The Feckin" collection returns with a funny, original and quirky take on some of Ireland"s most famous faces! Illustrated with photographs and cartoons, the book covers key Irish figures across the millenia like: - William Butler Yeats - Nobel Prize winning poet;- Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland;- Sir Ernest Shacklton - legendary Antarctic explorer;- Jonathan Swift - the man who wrote Gulliver"s Travels;- Grace O"Mally - the pirate queen who ran Queen Elizabeth"s troups ragged;- Brian Boru - the last High King of Ireland And many more!