20 Things to Do in Dublin Before You Go for a Feckin" Pint

Цена 13.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847176349

Брэнд O'Brien Press


Издатель O'Brien Press

Год выпуска 2014

- Got some time on your hands before you hit Dublin"s famous pubs? Then you need this book, an invaluable guide to thirty of Dublin"s highlights for visitors and native alike. History, culture, strangeness and beauty are all here - along with a list of the local hostelries to visit and let the experience soak in. Sprinkled with the wit of Murphy and O"Dea, best known for the Feckin" Collection. Key landmarks include: Christ Church Cathedral; Dublin Castle; The Chester Beatty Library; The Guinness Storehouse; Trinity College; Temple Bar; Royal Hospital, Kilmainham (IMMA); Old Jameson Distillery; O"Connell Street & The GPO And many more!