Love Poetry (подарочное издание)

Цена 10.29 - 21.83 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781909621107

Брэнд Collector's Library

Издатель Collector's Library

Страниц 336

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 105x155

Collector"s Library Love is one of the most enduring themes of literature, and now the Collector’s Library brings you a classic collection of firm favorites, poems half-remembered from our schooldays, and other notable and beautiful verses that have stood the test of time. Love poems speak to us in a host of different ways: from Sappho and Horace through Shakespeare, Donne, Barrett-Browning and Dickinson, to Kipling and Yeats. Here is a book to lead us deep into the heart of this most universal and yet deeply personal emotion, and a book to dip into time and time again.