The Time of My Life

Цена 12.43 - 12.73 USD

labirint.ru12.43 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780007350452

Брэнд Harper


Страниц 512

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 125x195

Lose yourself in the magical world of No.1 bestselling author, Cecelia Ahern. Are you taking your life for granted? Lucy Silchester is. She"s busied herself with other stuff: friends" lives, work issues, her deteriorating car, that kind of thing. But she"s stuck in a rut - and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth. Time for a wake-up call - a meeting with life. And life turns out to be a kindly, rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change - and won"t let Lucy off the hook. Sometimes we all need to make time for our life...