Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks 2009-2010
Цена 24.31 - 25.90 USD
Best-sellers for over thirty years, Lemon-Aid guides are unlike any other auto books on the market. Their main objective is to inform and protect consumers in an industry known for its dishonesty, where exaggerated claims remain unchanged. This brand new edition - the first in the series that covers used cars, trucks, and SUVs - is packed with insider tips to help you select a used vehicle that is as safe and as cheap as you want. It covers everything from the latest GM cutbacks, "secret warranties," to average seller markups. Plus, there are tons of useful tips on when you should buy, sell, or hold, and which models make the best $1,000-$3,000 "beaters." Filled with summaries of memos and service bulletins, this book is an easy-read guaranteed to teach you a thing or two (or three, or four ...) and more about used vehicles in Canada. Phil Edmontson is a former Member of Parliament, a Consumers Union board member, and the founder of the Automobile Protection Association. He has...