The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

Will Jesus return physically to this earth? Will Christians be living on earth when the antichrist is revealed? What does the Bible say about the rapture? In this most comprehensive analysis of the Bible"s End Time Prophecies, Mr.Reid presents a remarkably insightful and straight-forward explanation of what is to come in the last days. Drawing heavily from both Old and New Testament prophecies, the author lays out the events of the last days, beginning with the 70th week of Daniel, and continuing through the advent of the New Jerusalem; addressing in detail the timing of the rapture with respect to the Great Tribulation and the Millennium. This book is unique in its handling of the book of Revelation. John"s vision of the end times is divided into four individual sequences of events. While each of the four sequences cover different time spans, events within each of the sequences progress in chronological order. Therefore, upon harmonizing the four sequences, the end time calendar...