Christianity for Engineers

Цена 25.60 - 27.65 USD

Over the years I have had conversations with my engineer friends about Christianity in general and the creation story in particular. Of course, many are believers in the conventional deep time and evolution scenario of natural history. Usual opportunities for discussion of this subject were not long enough to adequately explain a rational basis for belief in a literal view of the Bible story. Conversations tended therefore to focus on typical "gotcha" type evidence for either viewpoint. I have often wished for a book that would present the Genesis scenario in the manner that I think would appeal to my engineer friends. Since retiring I have written this attempt at such a book. This book is written for those of a somewhat analytical bent who find the good news that Christianity presents to be appealing. Some such people are, however, troubled by the thought that by believing the biblical story they would be joining the company of gullible and irrational people. They are troubled by...