Governing the World?

Цена 25.00 - 49.17 USD

Problems posed by Syria"s chemical weapons attacks, Egypt"s ouster of an elected government, and myriad other global dilemmas beg the question of whether and how the world can be governed. The challenge is addressing what former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called "Problems without Passports"-environmental, economic, humanitarian, and political crises that threaten stability, prosperity, and even human survival. Everything is globalized-everything except politics, which remain imprisoned behind national borders. The world has changed, but our basic way of managing it has not. We pursue fitful, tactical, short-term, and local responses for actual or looming threats that require sustained, strategic, longer-run, and global actions. With clarity and passion, Thomas G. Weiss argues for a diversity of organizational arrangements-some centralized, some decentralized-and a plurality of problem-solving strategies-some worldwide, some local. He proposes a three-pronged strategy: the...