Fast & Fun Korean for Short - Term Learners 2 (+ СD)

Рейтинги 1
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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788959957170



Издатель Darakwon Inc.

Страниц 160

Год выпуска 2013

Форма выпуска 210x280

Warming Up, in which vocabulary and expressions used in real situations are introduced, Pattern Practice, in which each unit"s key expressions are introduced, Key Grammatical Patterns, in which selected grammatical patterns from the main dialogue are explained, Conversation Practice, in which learners practice substituting vocabulary and expressions using given model dialogue, and Task 1 (Speaking), Task 2 (Reading & Writing), and Task 3 (Listening), through which the material studied in each unit is reviewed. The Series Features: Designed with the short-term learner of Korean in mind, "Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners" is a 3-volume quick mastery textbook series that introduces everyday vocabulary and concrete situational dialogues practical for living in Korea. This second volume of the series, "Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 2", is classified as "Low Intermediate" in level of difficulty, connecting the first volume "Basic" level with the third volume...