Longmans" Illustrated First French Reading-Book And Grammar

Цена 26.45 - 51.27 USD

Longmans" Illustrated First French Reading-Book And Grammar. PREFACE. THE following method of using this little book is recommended by the authors. After the Introductory Lessons are known, the first Reading Lesson should be gone through by the teacher with the class. Each sentence should be read by the teacher as a pattern, then simultaneously by the class, and finally by individuals. Points of Grammar should be explained, especially those treated of in the corresponding Grammar Lesson. After that the scholars should be left to get up the lesson with the help of the vocabulary given. And not until then should the Grammar Lesson be attacked as a lesson in Grammar, by which time it is hoped and believed that it will have lost its sting. And so on for the other lessons. The thanks of the authors are due to several friends for help in the correction of proofs, and more especially to Mr. T. H. Bertenshaw, of the City of London School, for many valuable suggestions.