Existing in the After-Life, a Metaphor of Life on Earth and the Reality of What Happens in the After-Life...

There was no Heaven like the one we are conditioned to imagine. I thought I might see Pearly Gates or a saintly figure with a full record of how I had lived, the sins I had committed and the few good things I had done...but no. The landscape I carried in my thoughts was of my own creation. I developed my disappointment into a glad feeling that there appeared to be a physical hell full of horror film creatures and demons. I would not be set on fire for eternity, at least. The truth dawned that the after-life was not about Heaven and Hell and judgement from an ethereal being but it was a continuation of my life on earth but from a platform of thought and memory rather than the flesh and blood I had left behind. Bear with me, I shall explain it to you.