Ten Commandments
Цена 7.43 - 8.57 USD
Today is a day of lawlessness. The spirit of our times is one of unbounded "freedom," one of casting off all restraints, despising all authority. Since God Himself is no longer feared by the majority, many no longer respect the God-ordained authority of governments, parents, church leaders, and educators. Because of abounding iniquity on every hand, the love of many professing Christians for their God and His Law has grown cold, just as Christ prophesied (Matthew 24:12) . Yet we see in Holy Scripture that the only true freedom is freedom from sin. Concerning the purpose of Christ"s coming into the world, God"s angel Gabriel said to Joseph, "And thou shalt call His name JESUS (that is, `JEHOVAH is Savior") : for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21) . The Lord Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32) . Free from what? Free from sin! Jesus Christ Himself is the Truth, and to know Him is to be free both from the power of...