Instructions To Young Sportsmen, In All That Relates To Guns And Shooting

Цена 30.52 - 55.12 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781443776325

Брэнд Mcintosh Press


Страниц 520

Год выпуска 2008

PREFACE. THE original edition, which led to the publication of the following pages, was hastily written, at the particular request of some sporting friends of the Author, who had recourse to the press, in order to present each of them with a legible copy. Few supplementary impressions also were provided, for the amusement and instruction of the inexperienced sportsman, to whom, alone, he still presumes to offer so humble a production. To prevent enlarging this work to an expensive publication, all needless embellishments have been studiously avoided. By thus omitting ornamental plates on the worn-out subjects of common shooting, useless anecdotes, and other extraneous matter, there is a saving of time to many, who would be better employed than in reading superfluous volumes, on a mere subject of recreation as well us of expense to those who could not conveniently afford to purchase them. Every thing here asserted has been the result of many years trial and experience and, therefore,...