The Gypsy"s Parson His Experiences And Adventures

We are barbarians. . . . We are ruffians of the sun . . . and we must be forgiven everything. It is easy to forgive in the sun, Domini said. Madame, it is impossible to be anything but ienient in the sun. That is my experience. . . . But, as I was saying, the sun reaches one a lesson of charity. When I first came to live in Africa in the midst of the sand-rascals-eh, Madame, I suppose as a priest I ought to have been shocked by their goings-on. And, indeed I tried to be, I conscientiously did my best, but it was no good. I couldnt be shocked. The sunshine drove it all out of me. I could only say, It is not for me to question le bon Dieu, and le ban Dieu has created these people and set them here in the sand to behave as they do. what is my business I cant convert them. -I cant change their morals-I must just be a friend to them, cheer them up in their sorrows, give them a bit if theyre starving, doctor them a little-Im a first-rate hand at making an Arab take a pill or a powder-when...