The Pilgrim"s Progress - From This World To That Which Is To Come
Цена 29.40 - 53.90 USD
The Pilgrim"s Progress - From This World To That Which Is To Come - By John Bunyan - ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN GlLBERT - Veneration for the memory of Bunyan has stimnlated the Editors most anxious care to make this edition a correct foe simile of what the Author himself published. Most of the notes are extracted from his other works, and throw n light upon those few passages which have proved difficult to young persons - The certificate which was to be carried beyond the grave to the gates of the celestial city the meaning of the lions the House Reautiful-the giants-the light with Apollyon-passage tirough deaths dark vrilley in tile nlitlst of the pilogimage, and many other adventures easily understood by the experienced Christian. In the Notes the extracts are numbered in conformity with the only correct list of Bunyans whole works arranged in chronological order as they were pblished. This list will be found on the last page of the Memoir. They amount to the qmazmg number of sixty...