The Unwritten Laws of Foxhunting - With Notes on The Use of Horn And Whistle And A List of Five Thousand Names of Hounds (History of Hunting)
Цена 14.36 - 29.05 USD
The Unwritten Laws of Foxhunting - With Notes on The Use of The Horn And The Whistle And A List of Five Thousand Names of Hounds. By C.F.P. McNeill, M.F.H. This extremely scarce and unusual little book was first published in London at the turn of the 19th century. Its author intended it to be of benefit. " to those with a lamentable amount of ignorance with regard to what you may do and what you may not do out hunting." Its contents remain as relevant to foxhunting today as that of yesteryear. Read Country Books have now re-published this book using the original text in its entirety as part of their History of Hunting series. Its 48 pages contain much pertinent advice on the following :- Etiquette of following a Fox into adjoining Country. - Etiquette of following a fresh Fox found in an adjoining Country. - Duty of Newcomer.- Speaking to a Huntsman. - Cub-Hunting a private matter. - Neutral Countries. - Walking Puppies. - Coming to the Meet. - Second Horsemen. - Lord Willoughby de...