Arab Medicine And Surgery - A Study Of The Healing Art In Algeria

PREFACE IT is with the greatest diffidence that I lay this little work before students of the History of Surgery, Medicine, and Pharmacology. A layman-totally untrained in medical science-I suddenly found myself in 1913 admitted to some of the secrets of the reticent Rerber and Arab doctors of the Aures Massif, Algeria. It is my misfortune that I lacked the knowledge necessary to enable me to do justice to the opportunities of studying their art which I have enjoyed. But for the kindly interest taken in my work by the late Sir William Osler I should not have ventured to publish these notes at all. In the circumstances all that I can attempt in the following pages is to describe as I have seen it the life and work of the practitioners of the remote valleys of the Aures Mountains and, when dealing mith their operations and methods of treatment, to act as the mouthpiece of the native doctors themselves. I wish to offer my heartiest thanks to the authorities at the Herbarium at Kew and at...