The Death Of Turnus

INTRODUCTORY NOTE AFTER the publication of Aeneas at the Site of Rome, I went on to the ninth and following books, relieving by such studies the constant anxiety of last winter and spring 1917-18. These last books of the Aeneid seemed to me to demand more knowledge of things Roman and Italian than the earlier ones and a long experience of life and thought in ancient Italy is my only real justification for attempting to illuminate any part of Virgils poems. Once more, then, I venture some observations on a single book, encouraged by much friendly correspondence and criticism. The choice of the twelfth book is explained by the fact that it is the only one of the last four which contains a complete story in itself, while at the same time it forms a magnificent conclusion to the greater story of the whole epic. I may add that it is in my judgment the poets most mature work, and reveah his mind more fully to those who study it closely than any other book but the sixth and I The Death of...