Economic Farm Buildings

PREPACE TO FIRST EDITION IN a retrospect of the last twenty-five years of British Agriculture some rather striking features are to be discerned which are worthy of a brief notice matters which may at first glance appear somewhat irrelevant to the subject in hand, but which nevertheless have a distinot bearing and influence upon the character and value of farm structures. During the period mentioned there has been a very great increase in the use of artificial fertilisers. Farmers now better understand the use and value of chemical manures to supplement the natural manure produced upon the farm. Concentrated feeding stuffs, too, the manurial residues of which are very valuable, are now in general use so much so, in fact, that farmers have been at their wits end during the last two years to make shift with a necessarily greatly reduced supply. Can it be said that the fertility of the land has increased in any marked degree as a result of the importation of so much manurial substance Has...