The Jewish Welfare Board
Цена 25.38 - 50.92 USD
FOREWORD The Jewish Welfare Board, organized April 9, 1917, three days after the Declaration of war, was founded by the Jews of the United States with the sanctiori and recognition of the government, as their instrumentality for contributing to the preservation of the morale and welfare of the soldiers, sailors and marines. In the following pages is presented an account of the Boards activities from the time of the signing of the Armistice, through the period of demobilization, to October 1, 1920. -4 narrative of the Boards activities must necessarily convey but an inadequate picture of the entire welfare enterprise. Facts and figures portray the undertaking as impersonal and detached. In truth, it was vitalized by the warmest feelings of personal interest and solicitude. The facts and figures set forth here are significant, however, as the expression of the great enthusiasm and inspiraton of the men and women of American Jewry who, in the camps and communities in this country and in...