Snuff - Yesterday And Today

INTRODUCTION Whateer I do whereer I be, My social box attends on me. REV. WILLIAM KING, 1788. general conception of a revolution is of something THE which goes off with a bang. But there is another kind of revolution which steals upon us almost before we are aware of it it comes, as it were, with the panthers velvet tread, and not with the charge of a buffalo. One such revolution is at work today it is the quiet return of snuff-taking as a social habit. Those who would dispute this should speak warily, for there is ample evidence lurking round the corner to coilfound them-the evideace of those whose business it is to mill, blend or sell snuff. Thus, there are blenders who, a decade ago, sold some hundreds of pounds weight of snuff anaually, now measure their outprrt-home and export-by the ton. The increase in siluff-taking is not confined to men. More women are taking to the tobacco powder, as it was once called and which it is, thus reviving the vogue snuff had among the ladies of...