Good Farm Workmanship

MANY popular authors to-day do a bit of farming they have a place in the country and enjoy it they even learn to be good fanners. There may be farmers who have turned to writing as a serious pro- fession, but the writer of the present volume belongs to neither of these classes, nor does he profess to be a scientist. We count ourselves lucky to have persuaded our friend, Donald Fletcher, a busy and successful farmer with experience of conditions in two widely separated parts of the country-Yorkshire and Kent-to take up his pen to give us his ideas about Good Workman- ship on the Farm. This is a series of books the printed word is our effective contact with you, who wish to Teach Yourself Farming, and in the nature of the case we cannot follow the procedure which the best agricultural colleges in this country regularly adopt with their students and take you round a well-managed farm to shew you what is being done there. But Mr. Fletchers book will, to some extent at least, repair the...