The Black Side. A Partial History Of The Business, Religious And Educational Side Of The Negro In Atlanta, GA.

PREFACE. This Book comes to the public from one who has the care of a large pastorate, busy studying and praying in order to find how he may best serve his flock it comes to a people who are not all prepared, to appreciate a work oE this kind from one of their own race. The Negro, it seems to the author, is not yet ready to encourage its men of a historical and literary turn of mind-not even those who are in advance of the common people. I have often thought if 1 was anything else , but of the race I am, I might, perhaps, be something and be able to do and also make somebody else something, but as it is, I am doubtful. Yet I feel encouraged enough not to despair, but to ush forward under Gods help with hope to become something and to yet make my people something. It is universally conceded that my people have accomplished what no other race in the world ever accomplished in so short a time, and notwithstanding I am not so flushed with what we have accomplished to forget the fact that...